III.[Optional] Provide default schema for the query. This is needed when you transport the function between instances with different schemas i.e. in development system you are using "DEV" schema, but on production all tables are placed in "PROD" schema. If you provide the default schema in...
Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPCRLog Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal Log purpose: Includes the Change & Transport System (CTS) logs, including the directory objects and customizations where changes were made. Available by using RFC based on standard tables and ...
Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/trailsap.com/httpd.www/abap-statements/index.php on line 46 Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table ABAP Statement Warning: Undefined variable $prev in /customers/b/9/9/trailsap.com/httpd.www/abap-statements/index...
Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPCRLog Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal Log purpose: Includes the Change & Transport System (CTS) logs, including the directory objects and customizations where changes were made. Available by using RFC based on standard tables and ...
table inSAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAPBW-WHM (Warehouse Management in BW) componentwhich is coming underBW module (Business Warehouse). RSTSODSPART is a SAPstandard transp tableused for storingPartitioning Informationrelated data in SAP. It comes under the package RSAR...
=> doubleclick on VC_T028 entry Mark 'current setting' and save (developer key necessary) afterwards, save and transport the settings to production system. Now, you can change the settings directly in production system. You can use 'OT51' or special transaction for 'current setting'...
You can cover all data that you want to transport into another SAP system, by defining more than one lines in the list. It is important to note; only a single "*" can be used. For example from the first column to following columns in order, if you provide full value, enter "*" ...
Delivery ClassE– System table whose data is transported with its own transport objects ComponentSAP_BW Table CategoryTRANSP RSKS related tables RSDMDACTIVATE : Activate Master Data RSMASD : Lock Table for Master Data Deletion RSMDATASTATE : Status of the data in the Infocubes ...
Object assign into your Transport request and click on Finish. Header Table Repeat step from 1 to 4 to create Item Table Item Table Note:- with foreign key [1..*,1] zheader_vbak here [1..*,1] - Presenting 1 Sales Order will have one or more than one items for one sales order....
0 Kudos 5,225 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Gurus! Could anyone tell me how to correctly fill table T130F (what fields for an entry do I have to fill)? I need it to have data transport activated. Thanks in advance!