Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPChangeDocsLog Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal Log purpose: Records: SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP log changes to business data objects in change documents. Other entities in the SAP system, such as user data, roles,...
TableRSPMDATAPID Data storingRSPM Data Package ModuleBW Sub ModuleBW-WHM-DST SAP PackageRSPM Delivery ClassL– Table for storing temporary data ComponentSAP_BW Table CategoryTRANSP SAP RSPMDATAPID Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, ...
Microsoft Sentinel function for querying this log: SAPChangeDocsLog Related SAP documentation: SAP Help Portal Log purpose: Records: SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP log changes to business data objects in change documents. Other entities in the SAP system, such as user data, roles,...
RSBOHDIF : Table for Interface IF_RSB_OHD_ENH RSBREQUESTDELTA related transaction codes under SAP package RSB RSB_RELEASE : Release Clients for ETL Tools RSBO : Open Hub Maintenance S_J16_56000033 : IMG Activity: BW_BADI_OPENHUB RSBO_EXTRACT : Auth. – Check Open Hub Extraction ...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) I am trying to lookup DSO_1 when Loading from Datasource to DSO_2 to derice a Key_Figure_1 (NETPR_VKM), there are 4 common fields that will uniquely identify a record within these two DSO's I have the following code in my Start Routi...
Descriptions of options for using an Amazon Redshift table as a target in a data flow. The Amazon Redshift target supports the following features: input keys auto correct data deletion from a table before loading transactional loads load triggers, pre-load commands, and post-load ...
block_sapmple:是否用块采样代替行采样. method_opt:决定histograms信息是怎样被统计的.method_opt的取值如下(默认值为FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO): for all columns:统计所有列的histograms. for all indexed columns:统计所有indexed列的histograms. for all hidden columns:统计你看不到列的histograms ...
[]$ psql psql (14.5) Type"help"forhelp. postgres=# select 1;?column? --- 1 (1 row) postgres=# select 1;FATAL: terminating connection due to administratorcommandserver closed the connection unexpectedly This...
block_sapmple:是否用块采样代替行采样. method_opt:决定histograms信息是怎样被统计的.method_opt的取值如下(默认值为FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO): for all columns:统计所有列的histograms. for all indexed columns:统计所有indexed列的histograms. for all hidden columns:统计你看不到列的histograms ...
'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' does not contain a definition 'System.Xml.XmlException' occurred in System.Xml.dll Visual C#? 'Transaction failed. The server response was: 5.7.1 Relay access denied in ...