Solved: Hello Experts, In my project, I need to upload the data from legacy to SAP ECC table using LSMW. I am trying to find a way how data can be uploaded for the
3. upload it to an internal table in another system 4. use simple insert statement to put it into the mara database Reply Former Member 2007 Mar 08 5:05 AM 0 Kudos 323 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi good you can use LSMW TO upload this data into the table, 1-Sav...
Thanks so much for the suggestions. SE11 and SM30 do not work. I get the same error which is not a security error. I have SAP ALL in the test system and still get the error; in addition SU53 doesn't show any authorization errors. I'll try LSMW but I don't think that would be...
This is the way in which you have to upload. For mass upload, LSMW is the best option. You can also take the help of ABAPer to write a program, or you can even try with CATT if the number of records are only few thousands/ Hope this helps You must be a registered user to add...
White Paper Document Version: 1.25– 2022-05-25 Simplification List for SAP S/4HANA 2021 Initial Shipment, Feature Pack Stack 1 & 2 PUBLIC Simplification List for SAP S/4HANA 2021- Initial Shipment, Feature Pack Stack 1 & 2 Table of Content 1. Introduction... 23 1.1 Purpose of the Docu...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Use LSMW Regards Mudit Reply former_member404244 Active Contributor 2009 Feb 05 7:05 AM 0 Kudos 506 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Go for BDC for FB02 and then record that field only and populate it. also check with bapi 'BAP...
If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in. Comment Comments (1) rupesh_brahmankar Active Contributor 2011 Feb 08 0 Kudos Dear, To load BOM's with Long text use the standard SAP program RCSBI040. For additional information regarding RCSBI040, please ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Both, I have 2000 entries need to be updated in this table. I cannot use OKB9 because LSMW does not record the dialog structures found there. So i thought of creating an LSMW at the table level update using se16. I have done it thru se16 for...
Error in lsmw: "Invalid Text ID (Check Table TTXID ) Former Member 2009 May 047:04 AM 0Kudos 562 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development DEAR ALL, I am uploading purchasing order text in material master by Standard Batch/Direct input method. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, You can create BDC or LSMW for CS02 transaction and delete the BOM. In the second screeen MATERIAL BOM menu you have an option to delete the BOM. You also require Change number for do this activity or you can request authoriztion to basis team ...