SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAPPM-EQM (Technical Objects in Plant Maintenance) componentwhich is coming underPM module (Plant Maintenance). EQUZ is a SAPstandard transparent tableused for storingEquipment time segmentrelated data in SAP. It comes under the package IEQM....
List of Equipment bom table tables in SAP. FCOM_EQMECA_C for Equipment Types for Equipment Monitor. EQST for Equipment to BOM Link. SMOEQST for Equipment to BOM Link. SUMS for New key assignment: BOM explosion no.->New BOM explosion no..
SAP PM Table & Field relationships TECHNICALOBJECTSTATUSES ToIFLOT-OBJNRJEST-Objectstatus-(FunctionalLocations)000(Changenumber)CHGNRJESTINACT(Flag:Statusinactive)IF00000000000000059073(ONR00)(Objectnumber)JESTOBJNR180(T000)JESTMANDTI0098(Objectstatus)JESTSTAT JEST ToEQUI-OBJNRJEST-Objectstatus-(Equipment)...
PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) PLM Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)/Plant Maintenance (PM) Software Product Function View products (1) Hi An equipment is dismantled from superior equipment through t code IE4N. In which table can i find the 'Dismantling date' f...
Hello Experts, I understand that an Equipment is linked to a Class which in turn has many characteristics associated with it. For each Characteristic there may be many
EQUZ Equipment time segment 12 Plant maintenance (PM) IHPA Plant Maintenance: Partners OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment AFIH Maintenance order header 12.1 Human resources 12.2 Settings T582A Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings ...
The easiest way to remember the table in sap is: Just try to remember the sap terminology of representing the business or buisness objects... such as all vendor tables start with L such as lfa1, etc.. all customer tables start with K ... Kna1, konv... ...
10.10 EQUIPMENT 16 11 PROJECT SYSTEM (PS) 17 11.1 BASIC DATA 17 12 PLANT MAINTENANCE (PM) 17 13 HUMAN RESOURCES 18 13.1 SETTINGS 18 13.2 MASTER DATA 18 13.3 INFOTYPES 18 1 Customising 1.1 General settings 1.1.1 Countries T005 Countries 1.1.2 Currency TCURC Currency codes TCURR Wissel...
tbl_bicsk-equnr = v_space. " Equipment number BOM Group tbl_bicsk-exstl = tbl_cstmat-exstl. Laboratory/design office tbl_bicsk-labor = tbl_cstmat-labor. Deletion indicator for BOMs tbl_bicsk-loekz = tbl_cstmat-loekz. To lot size ...