Database/s"Notes 表格大概内容BKPF 会计核算凭证标题 TRANSP FB Transaction Accounting document header 公司代码;会计凭证编号;会计年度;凭证类型等 BNKA 银行主记录 TRANSP FB Master Bank master record BSAD 会计核算:客户的第二个索引(已结算项目) TRANSP FB Transaction Accounting: Secondary indexforcustomers ...
Thank you for this great blog! i'm trying to add Table ADRT to the MDC Model. Because I saw that the "remarks / Notes" field of the e-mail address was deleted during a mass change. I'm not sure if I need to create a ZADRT of not, because when I try this with ADRT and I...
To check whether there is a custom check and copy routine in place, that allows for the copy of credit card data, look at the following customizings and find the routines for your case based on the document flow of your return order (either it is based on invoice or ...
SAP常用Table(中英文对照)(1)TableBKPFBNKABSADBSAKBSASBSECBSEGBSETBSIDBSIKBSISGLT0KNA1KNASKNB1KNB4KNB5KNBKKNC1KNC3KNKAKNKK KNVV 描 会计核算凭证标题银行主记录 述 TableType ApplicationClasDatasClassTransactionMasterTransactionTransactionTransactionTransactionTransactionTransactionTransactionTransactionTransaction...
DescriptionAccountingdocumentheaderBankmasterrecordAccounting:Secondaryindexforcustomers(cleareditems)Accounting:Secondaryindexforvendors(cleareditems)Accounting:SecondaryindexforG/Laccounts(cleareditems)One-timeaccountdatadocumentsegment LogicalDatabase/s Notes BSEGBSETBSIDBSIKBSISGLT0KNA1KNASKNB1KNB4KNB5KNBKKNC1KN...
1、ECCSSAP COMMON USED TABLES1-14TableTableTypeApplicationClassDataClassDescriptionLogicalDatabase/s NotesTF100Financial Statement ItemsTF101FS items: short and medium textsTF102FS items: long textsTF103Breakdown CategoriesTF104Breakdown categories: NameTF105FS Item CategoriesTF106FS Item Categories: D 2...
2000300000 S/T Notes Pay-OS 2000350000 S/T Notes Pay-AFF 2000350001 S/T Notes Payable AFF-USD 2050050000 A/P-OS-Trade & Oth 2050050001 A/P-OS-Trd & Oth-For Cur Adj 2050055000 A/P-OS-Trade 2050055001 A/P-OS-Trade-Manual 2050055002 A/P-Freight On Toll (CA) 2050055003 A/P-Vendors...
In this case we need to credit Notes Payable for $ 98.22 to bring the books into agreement with the amortization table. In some cases we would have to debit Notes Payable. When do you think that would be the case? If an amortization table was used for each monthly loan payment, the bo...
Notes BSEGBSET客户凭证未清项BSID供应商凭证未清项BSIK总帐凭证未清项BSIS总帐余额GLT0客户主数据KNA1客户主数据(税码)KNAS客户主数据(公司代码层)KNB1KNB4KNB5KNBK客户余额KNC1客户余额(特别总帐标志)KNC3客户主数据信用管理(一般数据)KNKA客户主数据信用管理(控制区域数据)KNKK供应商主数据(一般数据)LFA1LFAS...
DescriptionAccountingdocumentheaderBankmasterrecordAccounting:Secondaryindexforcustomers(cleareditems)Accounting:Secondaryindexforvendors(cleareditems)Accounting:SecondaryindexforG/Laccounts(cleareditems)One-timeaccountdatadocumentsegment LogicalDatabase/s Notes BSEGBSETBSIDBSIKBSISGLT0KNA1KNASKNB1KNB4KNB5KNBKKNC1KN...