使用Mybatis generator连接oracle去生成代码的时候,报错:Table configuration with catalog null, schema , and table did not resolve to any tables 可能原因之一是: Power Designer 里导出的sql中,带上了双引号。如; create table "fire_alarm" ( "id" NUMBER(6) not null, "title" VARCHAR2(256) default ...
Table configuration with catalog null, schema null, and table 表名 did not resolve to any tables 项目种没有自动生成相关代码。 因为之前的项目都是连接的Oracle数据库,对比之前的generatorConfig.xml反复查找原因,没有发现xml文件配置错误。 后来发现是因为MySQL对数据库表名大小写敏感,我的MySQL数据库是小写的...
Table configuration with catalog null, schema null, and table 表名 did not resolve to any tables 项目种没有自动生成相关代码。 因为之前的项目都是连接的Oracle数据库,对比之前的generatorConfig.xml反复查找原因,没有发现xml文件配置错误。 后来发现是因为MySQL对数据库表名大小写敏感,我的MySQL数据库是小写的...
我在进行Mybatis调试时出现了下面的警告提示: Generation Warnings Occured Table configuration with catalog null, schema null, and table 表名 did not resolve to any tables Mybatis generator操作没有产生结果。 多处找资料发现在我的 generatorConfig.xml文件中: <jdbcConnection driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Dr...
在eclipse中运行mybatis的generator插件时,出现如下错误提示: Generation Warnings Occured:Table configuration with catalog null, schema public, and table globalpage did not resolve to any tables。 虽然不知道为什么,但是去掉public就OK了??? 去掉再运行就没有错误了。
我在进行Mybatis调试时出现了下面的警告提示: Generation Warnings Occured Table configuration with catalog null, schema...null, and table 表名 did not resolve to any tables Myb...
In the event the table definitions script did not exist, I added one final condition that just checks when an sqlite file does already exist if it has any tables in it before attempting to insert data or bail out with an error (if there are no tables)....
Many of the tables in the stable interface have test database counterparts that can be used to enter test data. Test data is stored separately from the production data, so test tables enable you to modify data in ways not allowed in the production interface. In this section, tables that ha...
I got stucked with my function module and have to abort it before exit. Could anyone help me to resolve this problem? If you could, could you also explain to me how E_T_DATA and the structure I have created related in the above setting? Thanks and appreciated. Arthur Reply 1 ACCEPTED...
Finally, it uses to complete the new state. To make the start symbol easy to find, we require that the grammar have a unique start symbol that does not appear on the right-hand side of any production. In the parentheses grammar, that symbol is . The item If a grammar has multiple ...