如果我们建立如下的表:CREATETABLEt2 (c1INTPRIMARYKEY)TABLESPACE= innodb_file_per_tableDATADIRECTORY=/root/mysql5.7.14/percona-server-5.7.14-7/mysql-test/var/mysqld.1; 其type为97二进制为 01100001:使用DATA DIRECTORY建立使用ATOMIC_BLOBS且无压缩则DYNAMIC格式 详见:15.5.5 Creating a File-Per-Table T...
这样也就解释了为什么show tables能够看到但是select却报错Table doesn't exist ,而从原理上讲show tables只是查看了frm文件。 另外这里也提一个案列,曾经有一个朋友问我他将整个库目录都拷贝了,但是表能看到但是一操作就报Table doesn't exist,显然他没有拷贝ibdata1,数据字典的引导信息都存在这里面文件的第7个p...
the behavior can defer from SQL Server and other APS PDW statements because of the way binding is implemented forsp_prepare. IfSELECTthat references CTE is using a wrong column that doesn't exist in CTE, thesp_preparewill pass without detecting the error, but the error will be thrown duri...
这样也就解释了为什么show tables能够看到但是select却报错Table doesn't exist ,而从原理上讲show tables只是查看了frm文件。 另外这里也提一个案列,曾经有一个朋友问我他将整个库目录都拷贝了,但是表能看到但是一操作就报Table doesn't exist,显然他没有拷贝ibdata1,数据字典的引导信息都存在这里面文件的第7个p...
[Err] 1146 - Table ‘xxx‘ doesn‘t exist或[Err] 1051 - Unknown table ‘xxx‘以及select查询结果有重复,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I'm trying to make a program not crash when it attempts to insert a value into a column that doesn't exist (the reason this happens in the first place is because the column names that it inserts into are coming from values red in another table which may contai...
1146:Table 'db_study.user' doesn't exist [ SQL语句 ] : SHOW COLUMNS FROM `user` 连接数据库时出现1146:Table'db_study.user'doesn'texist[ SQL语句 ] : SHOW COLUMNS FROM `user`错误数据库连接如下因为表示的是数据库表前缀是think_ 而我报的错是找不到think_user ,在数据库加一个think_user表就...
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.test1bak' doesn't exist 也许你会说我明明能够看到这个表啊,为什么访问还会报错呢?其实要清楚innodb有自己的数据字典,只要有frm 文件存在show tables就能看到,但是最终是否能够正常打开表结构在innodb中还依赖于innodb的数据字典,主要的包含: 1、INNODB_SYS_columns 2、INNODB_SYS...
As a result,if the output is greater than zero, the column exists. Otherwise, it doesn’t. 5. Table Column Check in PostgreSQL In PostgreSQL, checking for a column’s existence can be done using the INFORMATION SCHEMA COLUMNS table. In essence, it contains metadata about all columns in th...
(LastName string, DOB timestamp); -- After Adding New columns to the table > DESCRIBE StudentInfo; col_name data_type comment --- --- --- name string NULL rollno int NULL LastName string NULL DOB timestamp NULL age int NULL # Partition Information # col_name data_type comme...