(即把user 改成root,密码为 空,一切默认) 示例如下:二、页面初始化登陆界面的账号:admin 密码:zabbix 把语言改成中文: 启用zabbix server 小程序开发.云数据库 云数据库初始化数据库: const db=wx.cloud.database();//初始化数据库然后在云开发的,数据库里添加一个集合,也就是创建一个表 然后就可以对云...
Sometimes, when creating or altering tables, I get the 'table already exists' error. However, DROP TABLE returns '#1051 - unknown table'. So I got a table I cannot create, cannot drop. When I try to drop the database, mysqld crashes. Sometimes it helps to create another db with diff...
执行manage.py makemigrations 未提示错误信息,但manage.py migrate时进行同步数据库时出现问题;django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1050, "Table '表名' already exists)错误信息 执行: python manage.py migrate myapp --fake 数据库表结构同步成功。
('admin_email', 'you@example.com', 'yes'), ('start_of_week', '1', 'yes'), ('use_balanceTags', '0', 'yes'), ('use_smilies', '1', 'yes'), ('require_name_email', '1', 'yes'), ('comments_notify', '1', 'yes'), ('posts_per_rss', '10', 'yes'), ('rss_use...
If the table_encryption_privilege_check variable is enabled, the TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is required to use an ENCRYPTION clause with a setting that differs from the default schema encryption setting. Prior to MySQL 8.0.16, the ENCRYPTION clause was only supported when altering tables res...
If the table_encryption_privilege_check variable is enabled, the TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is required to use an ENCRYPTION clause with a setting that differs from the default schema encryption setting. ENCRYPTION is also supported for tables residing in general tablespaces. For tables that...
Bug report What I did Followed installation instructions and run php artisan backpack:install command. What I expected to happen Command finishes without errors and I would be able to create at least one admin user. What happened It coul...
1205 Kranthi 30000 Op Admin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The following query loads the given text into the table. hive> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/user/sample.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE employee; 1. 2. On successful download, you get to see the following response: ...
django 首次设置Admin超级用户报错:django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: auth_user 1、 报错环境描述 django version:3.1 python verison:3.7.5 设置超级用户: python manage.py createsuperuser 报错:django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: auth_user 解决步骤: 1、ctrl + c (停止服务器...