Audit log data builds up to large volumes over time and should be periodically deleted to save on audit log storage. Do you have a process in place to periodically archive transactional data? Transactional data that is imported over many months can grow to large quantities, impacting system perf...
Many customers who assume that they have configured auditing don't truly have a comprehensive audit strategy. Auditing is not enabled for tables by default. We recommend that you only enable audit for the specific columns that you want to track. When tables are added, it might be easy to ...
例如,计算列可以包含定义:cost AS price * qty。 表达式可以是非计算列的名称、常量、函数、变量以及通过一个或多个运算符连接的上述元素的任意组合。 表达式不能是子查询,也不能包含别名数据类型。计算列可用于选择列表、WHERE 子句、ORDER BY 子句或任何可使用正则表达式的其他位置,但下列情况除外:计算列必须标记...
例如,计算列可以包含定义:cost AS price * qty。 表达式可以是非计算列的名称、常量、函数、变量以及通过一个或多个运算符连接的上述元素的任意组合。 表达式不能是子查询,也不能包含别名数据类型。计算列可用于选择列表、WHERE 子句、ORDER BY 子句或任何可使用正则表达式的其他位置,但下列情况除外:计算列必须标记...
例如,计算列可以包含定义:cost AS price * qty。 表达式可以是非计算列的名称、常量、函数、变量以及通过一个或多个运算符连接的上述元素的任意组合。 表达式不能是子查询,也不能包含别名数据类型。计算列可用于选择列表、WHERE 子句、ORDER BY 子句或任何可使用正则表达式的其他位置,但下列情况除外:计算列必须标记...
For example, a computed column can have the definition: cost AS price * qty. The expression can be a noncomputed column name, constant, function, variable, and any combination of these connected by one or more operators. The expression can't be a subquery or contain alias data types. ...
SET NULL Tutti i valori che costituiscono la chiave esterna vengono impostati su NULL quando viene eliminata la riga corrispondente nella tabella padre. Per l'esecuzione di questo vincolo, è necessario che le colonne chiave esterna ammettano valori Null....
platform for change. we use the full power of salesforce to make the world a better place for all of our stakeholders. learn about our esg & impact initiatives equality accessibility sustainability philanthropy ethical and humane use public policy careers back ...
Many customers who assume that they have configured auditing don't truly have a comprehensive audit strategy. Auditing is not enabled for tables by default. We recommend that you only enable audit for the specific columns that you want to track. When tables are added, it might be easy to ...
GRANT (Object Privileges) Database Object Privileges Synonym Privileges Directory Privileges Examples LOCK TABLE Locking Tables NOAUDIT (SQL Statements) Stopping Auditing SET CONSTRAINT(S) Examples TRUNCATE Truncating Tables and Clusters Restrictions Examples...