var base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9/+///=]/g; if (base64test.exec(input)) { return ""; } do { enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)...
static const TValue *getgeneric (Table *t, const TValue *key, int deadok) { Node *n = mainpositionTV(t, key); //根据key查找相应的位置的节点 for (;;) { //遍历桶 if (equalkey(key, n, deadok)) return gval(n); /* that's it */ else { int nx = gnext(n); if (nx =...
15'' x 15'' | 1.5" Thick 1.5" Thick Black Chiavari Chair Pad, Memory Foam Seat Cushion With Ties and Removable Cover (1206) $ 8 .99 6" x 106" | Pack of 5 5 Pack 6"x106" Gold Satin Chair Sashes (2195) $ 2 .29 ($0.46/count) ...
The current implementation of theStringclass stores characters in achararray, using two bytes (sixteen bits) for each character. Data gathered from many different applications indicates that strings are a major component of heap usage and, moreover, that mostStringobjects contain only Latin-1 char...
更进一步,这里面差不多一半String对象是重复的,重复的意思是说:str1.equals(str2)= true。堆上存在重复的String对象必然是一种内存的浪费。这个项目将在G1垃圾收集器中实现自动持续对重复的String对象进行去重,这样就能避免浪费内存。String 去重的的实现
类似于Lua中的表(table),又称为键值对,属于通过键名与键值存储数据的类型,它的功能非常强大,可以通过键名来获取对应的键值。 按键精灵中表采用json的写法,即使用大括号{}表示范围,使用冒号:表示赋值。 注意,表是无序的,在内部的数据是打乱存放的。 变量赋值table 复制 1234567891011 Dim tt = {"a":1, "b"...
type_str: 'audio', })) break case "application/": case "application/x-mpegURL": win.webContents.send('on_get_queue', Object.assign({}, resObject, { url: res_url, url_sign: url_sign, platform: urlInfo.hostname, size: res?._data?.headers?.['content-length'] ?
Applications must ignore bits 4 to 15 when reading a version 0 or version 1 table. Versions 0 to 2: The specification for versions 0 to 2 did not specify that bits 0 to 3 must be mutually exclusive. Rather, those specifications stated that, in the event that more than one of bits ...
Traversing the complexities of GSTR-1 presents a challenge, particularly when encountering Table 8 errors. If you’re wrestling with resolving these errors, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone. But fear not we’re here to support you. Within this extensive guide, we’ll lead you ...
do { /* check whether `key' is somewhere in the chain */ if (luaV_rawequalobj(gkey(n), key)) return gval(n); /* that's it */ else n = gnext(n); } while (n); return luaO_nilobject; } } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...