DisplayName Exchange Rate IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName exchangerate MaxValue 100000000000 MinValue 0.000000000001 Precision 12 RequiredLevel None Type DecimalExpansionStateCodeZabaldu taula PropiedadValor Description State code to indicate whether the recurring appointment series is ex...
RequiredLevel None Type DecimalIsManagedExpandir tabla PropiedadValor Description Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. DisplayName Is Managed IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName ismanaged RequiredLevel SystemRequired Type BooleanE...
RequiredLevel None Type DecimalExpansionStateCodeExpandir tabla PropiedadValor Description State code to indicate whether the recurring appointment series is expanded fully or partially. DisplayName Expansion State Code IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName expansionstatecode RequiredLevel Sys...