The Texas TABC course modules impart an understanding of laws and regulations for the sale of alcohol to minors/intoxicated people. The Course covers social impact of alcohol, Civil/General Liabilities, Responsibilities and Obligations due to serving intoxicated people. This course is self-paced. ...
The Texas TABC course modules impart an understanding of laws and regulations for the sale of alcohol to minors/intoxicated people. The Course covers social impact of alcohol, Civil/General Liabilities, Responsibilities and Obligations due to serving intoxicated people. ...
The Texas TABC course modules impart an understanding of laws and regulations for the sale of alcohol to minors/intoxicated people. The Course covers social impact of alcohol, Civil/General Liabilities, Responsibilities and Obligations due to serving intoxicated people. ...
their teachings are merely human rules.’[b] 8You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.” 9And he continued,“You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe[c]your own traditions!10For Moses said, ‘H...