Before bringing home a tabby cat, make sure to research the specific dietary needs of its breed. Some cat breeds will have genetic risks that are affected by diet, such as proneness to obesity. Image By: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock Exercise🐈 On average, cats should receive 30–45 minutes o...
What's The Average Weight For A Tabby Cat? The average domestic tabby cat weighs between 6 and 10 pounds. The top end of the scale is 10 pounds, while the lower end is 6 pounds, which is connected with younger, smaller cats. Domestic cats can grow to be as large as 15–20 pounds...
Since tabbies are so common among the general cat population, finding one can be as simple as visiting your local shelter andadopting a kitten or adult cat. If you would like to purchase a particular breed with tabby markings, contact breeders in your region and ask about the availability of...
New cat owners can rest assured that their brand new kitten should be with them for quite some time. According to, thelifespan of the average spayed or neutered indoor catis 14 to 16 years. The world-record holder, however, lived for 38 years and three days. If someone ge...