夏日天空徽章(Tabard of Summer Skies)火焰节时在奴隶围栏杀死冰霜之王埃霍恩,掉落物品 埃霍恩的碎片 触发任务:埃霍恩 …wow.tgbus.com|基于53个网页 2. 夏日天空战袍 魔兽世界所... ... 暴风城徽章( Tabard of Stormwind) 夏日天空战袍( Tabard of Summer Skies) 奥法战袍( Tabard of the Arcane) ......
The paladin has been playing on a private server, and i bet he would see the same tabard on anyone with the Tabard of the Summer Skies.. end of story. But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay. Reply...