顺带一提,指令补全提示更多的应用于 提示子指令的参数,我在以前的时候就整合了一个子指令案例,你如果想大概知道子指令是如何实现的,可以查看下方链接所对应的项目,非常简单,基本上没有什么难度。 项目地址:https://github.com/Shinyoki/Minecraft-Spigot-learn/tree/master/TabExecutorPlugin...
TAB aims to be a superior all-in-one minecraft plugin for displaying information that outperforms all similar plugins in terms of features, performance and compatibility. More information can be found atWhy TAB?wiki page. Download Releases
This behaves similarly to how the normal tablist behaves. You can simply add or remove items and Minecraft handles the positioning.Constructors:tabbed.newSimpleTabList(player); tabbed.newSimpleTabList(player, maxItems); // limits item count (default is MC maximum, aka 80 or 4x20) tabbed....
subtext: '&5A Minecraft Server!' #进服小标题 fadein: 5 #标题淡入时间 stay: 20 #标...
Minecraft1.12.2宝可梦 Pixelmon7.1.1 新服开荒,奖励活动多多! 轩_尊 来自梨子岛的涅槃,时隔三个月零一日凌晨一点二十秒的时刻,电脑发出了阵阵蓝光,光彩夺目,就在此刻,一个全新的服务器诞生了, 我称他为 冠位(伪)梨子岛 (滑稽) 就在此刻,蓝光消失了,取而代之的是 一栏玲琅满目的小精灵,此刻的我(玩家)...
本吧热帖: 1-【水楼】资源吧大水坝~ 2-【必看】发帖要求及吧规 3-【我的世界】PE服务器必备插件 4-【怀旧党福利】MinecraftPE全版本 5-谁有12岁和28岁的资源 6-看见几乎没什么人了过了水水 7-现在吧里有人吗?求资源 8-谁是吧主的好朋友?
> Could not resolve dependency: net.minecraftforge:forge:1.16.5-36.2.0:userdev * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at 网页链接BUILD FAILED in ...
用的是HMCL 3.2.149 Java 8 mac Command: "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java" "-Dminecraft.client.jar=.minecraft/versions/minecraft 1.15.2/minecraft 1.15.2.jar" "-Xdock:name=Minecraft minecraft 1.15.2" "-Xdock:icon=/Users/apple/Desktop/文件/其他/.minecr...
Minecraft account, microsoft store account and xbox account all match. Please solve it quickly. Don't tell me you already solved it. jys246 added a comment - 03/May/23 11:06 AM It hasn't been resolved, but I don't know what kind of joke it is to say that it ...