= 0 ]]; then unset COMPREPLY elif [[ $SUPPRESS_SPACE == 1 ]] && [[ "$COMPREPLY" =~ [=/:]$ ]]; then compopt -o nospace fi } complete -o nospace -o default -o bashdefault -F _python_argcomplete conda' ++ complete -o nospace -o default -o bashdefault -F _python_...
1、通过shell脚本完成一个linux命令,并在执行时可使用tab键补全命令和参数 2、参数分为一级参数和二级参数,并针对不同的一级参数有二级参数 二、实现方式 通过complete,compgen,shift、eval等linux命令实现 1、代码架构 init.d : 命令逻辑实现 test_complete : 命令主入口 .test_complete.bash : 实现命令补全 2...
# 设置Tab键的行为为只显示候选项,不自动补全 bind ‘set menu-complete-display-prefix on’ bind ‘set completion-ignore-case on’ “` 保存文件并退出文本编辑器,然后需要重新启动终端才能使修改生效。 ## 4. 总结 Linux终端命令tab是一种非常便捷的操作方式,可以大大提高工作效率。本文介绍了在Linux终端中使...
linux terminal tab complete fail -bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: No space left on device 网上搜的解决方案都乱七八糟的,还要逐层路径找大文件去删除。 我直接rm -rf /tmp/*就ok了
I'm usingDocker Desktop for Windowswith WSL2 backend. I followed the steps as what@CelestialGurudid before. When I type in a few characters it CAN auto-complete for me, but if I left it empty and invokeTabjust after the dot, nothing pop up. ...
The computer was invented to provide ease to the user in day-to-day matters. It performs multiple functions that reduce the effort and time required to complete a task. While working on a computer, the work effort is further reduced with the help of shortcut keys. These keys initiate short...
complete -F _my_command_completion my_command “` 在上面的例子中,我们定义了一个名为`my_command`的自定义命令,并设置了命令补全规则。当我们输入`my_command`时,Shell会自动调用`_my_command_completion`函数来获取补全选项。 4. 将脚本文件保存并退出。然后将文件的权限设置为可执行,可以使用`chmod +x my...
在Linux系统中,可以通过在~/.bashrc文件中添加一行代码来实现这一功能。具体的操作方法是打开终端,输入命令"vim ~/.bashrc"并回车,然后添加一行代码“bind ‘”\C-i”:complete’”,保存并退出文件即可。这样,就可以重新映射ctrl键和tab键的组合,使系统能够正确识别这两个键的组合操作。
For the complete list of available options, refer to theRsync documentation. Item Description Number of connections In this field, specify the maximum number of connections to be supported simultaneously. Send keep alive messages each In this field, specify how often you want GoLand to send command...
For more information, see the How do I complete real-name registration? section in the "FAQ about real-name registration on the Alibaba Cloud international site (alibabacloud.com)" topic. Procedure Go to the ECS instance buy page. Click the Custom Launch tab. Configure parameters such as...