1125-997 998+1246 22.3-2.45-5.3-4.55×72 187.7×11-187.7400÷125÷8 25×(37×8) 0.125×0.25×32 4.35+4.25+3.65+3.75125×8.8 3.4×99+3.413、五年级植树120棵,六年级植树的棵数是五年级的7/5,五、六年级一共植树多少棵?14、修一条12/5千米的路,第一周修了2/3千米,...
Bullying usually involves more people than you think. There are the people who bully and those who are bullied. Sometimes other people help the bully or join in.(3) GThey laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. This is why it's important for...
(个), 一共摆长方形的个数是: 3×4=12(个). 答:一共可摆12个边长为1分米的小正方形. 故答案为:12.【解析】 【解析】在长4分米,宽3分米的长方形中,在长上可摆边长为1分米的小正方形的个数是(4÷1)个,宽上可摆边长为1分米的小正方形的个数是(3÷1)个,一共摆小正...