TA-Lib使用的是 C 语言的手动内存管理,允许更精细的内存控制。 TA4J依赖 Java 的垃圾回收机制,这虽然简化了开发但在高频率的计算中会产生一定的性能开销。 线程和并发: TA-Lib可以更直接地利用多线程和并发编程模型。 TA4J虽然也支持并发,但需要通过 JVM 进行管理和调度,可能在某些情况下导致性能瓶颈。 总的来...
importorg.ta4j.core.*;importorg.ta4j.core.indicators.*;importjava.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;importjava.util.concurrent.Executors;publicclassMultiThreadedAnalysis{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// 加载数据 TimeSeries series = new CSVFeed("path/to/your/csv/file.csv", true); // 创建线程池...
波音和 AR 军事训练解决方案商 Red 6 在 9 月首次成功飞行测试后,又在一架 TA-4J 天鹰式攻击机上完成了额外七次演习。团队成功集成并首次在 TA-4J 上测试了 Red 6 的高级战术增强现实系统 ATARS。 两家公司最初在 2022 年宣布了一项协议,将 ATARS 以及 AR 命令和分析数据环境整合到 T-7 和 F-15EX ...
ta4j / ta4j Star 2.2k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A Java library for technical analysis. java bitcoin trading ethereum ripple forex java-library trading-strategies trading-algorithms stocks technical-analysis litecoin ta4j tachnical-analysis Updated Feb 26, 2025 Java cassandre-tech ...
Ta4j is an open source Java library fortechnical analysis. It provides the basic components for creation, evaluation and execution of trading strategies. Features 100% Pure Java - works on any Java Platform version 11 or later More than 130 technical indicators (Aroon, ATR, moving averages, pa...
近日,波音公司和一家名为 Red 6 的 AR 公司在 TA-4J Skyhawk 天鹰式攻击机上成功试飞并测试了 AR 虚拟显示系统,准备将该系统安装在 T-7 高级训练喷气机上。据介绍,该系统使飞行员能够看到地面和空中的虚拟飞机、目标和威胁,并与之互动,同时还体验到实际驾驶飞机带来的压力,旨在为飞行员提供一个逼真的...
A-4“天鹰”攻击机双座型 | A-4改型很多,而双座型号并不多见,因为生产数量不多。而在这些版本中也是型号庞杂,这里只能列举三种比较常见型号。TA-4E用2架A-4E 改造为双座型的原型机。TA-4F,A-4F的双座机,保留单座型的所有作战能力,生产数量241架。TA-4J,1968 年美国海军采购 TA-4J 作海军和陆战队高级教...
The basic role of the TA-4J Skyhawk was a two-place, lightweight, high-performance trainer capable of operating from an aircraft carrier or shore base. The TA-4J Skyhawk entered production in June 1969. It became the longest-serving of the Skyhawks as the US Navy’s standard advanced jet...
TA-4J SKYHAWKFeatures the T4-Aj two-seat trainer version of the McDonnell Douglas-built A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft used for the U.S. Navy's operations.Sea Power
The two seat TA-4J variant of the Skyhawk has been a very much anticipated model not only by the aficionados of the type but by most Navy jet modelers.Everybody was expecting that Hasegawa would release it since they have already done most of the A-4 variants but it never happened....