The TA-312 was a successor to theEE-8 field phoneused all through W.W.II and will inter operate with the EE-8, being an analog 2 wire system. This is one of those Army products that's made to be indestructible and last forever like thePRC-90&URC-10survival radios. ...
Performance ResearchPETERSON, MICHAEL. 2007. "Designed for Disappearance: The U.S. Military Field Telephone TA-312/ PT." Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts 12(4): 143-50.Peterson, Michael. 2007. "Designed for Disappearance The U.S. Military Field Tele- phone TA-312/PT...
2007. "Designed for Disappearance: The U.S. Military Field Telephone TA-312/ PT." Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts 12(4): 143-50.Peterson, Michael. 2007. "Designed for Disappearance The U.S. Military Field Tele- phone TA-312/PT and the Performance Principle of ...