Profetia om Damaskus 23 Om Damaskus. Hamat och Arpad kommer på skam, för de har hört ett ont budskap. De fylls av ångest, som ett upprört hav som inte kan bli stilla.24 Damaskus har tappat modet och vänt för att fly, skräcken har fått grepp, de grips av...
e6T08kAl+zhvjzVcMediDLjBoRS8vNwNwKqnSDLMdGXqxo7sYOkPFwwhY4 7XxiTNEcPCVpFd5cDvD0l5BVMXZPHnwm4r0rk7I2UkQ5oKi3X97V64Moi7scMLZ80xurCStrG5Y3 UupyogTQR8+cuhSwU7NbvZDImGiMBNgeZM0tM3ECF5FFzUTGQqdAhRMcLKQElU/CYpL6kRIW/otO +s11Tkd6+l+4e6pE6+VsWpR4pd4atMAILZhnnnaQxQYGETvvdWM53bHpMmq...
m3Zo0rxw0PzYb40436iyik+7WDR0jZp6JRQ4N+AiMjPDA016pm3smKcNuU/THevo4HBjhRvw6GBd HO6V5/nRk8g8slTzjpk3gdWzlDcuCztZ3182++Qys7HvsBdwdOrx5mvkOmd4ebhZIg7zbYmWrb2t Y4DT1+GBaAMkVjm9aTqw5alTCVY9Nh3VhunNfHp92mE05vMCw6kAuwNJIPJpB0vl1ccaiX4fYdiU HaMdQyQEGzZryYsyw1zBFmaTJ2l+VEhm8cjQsgU...
residual Despite Na the presence of Na from the eutectic precursor mixture of NaCl and KCl, the absence of a K2p signal suggests that all of the KCl was removed by centrifugation. The asymmetry of the Ta4f doublet in Fig. 3b indicates that it was contributed to by Ta atoms from ...
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First, the two-phase mixture was homogenized using an ultrasonic finger U.P. 400S for 2 min to produce a stable miniemulsion. The second step involved evaporating the toluene organic phase in an oil bath at 100 ◦C while being magnetically stirred at 500 rpm. After being cleaned of any ...