-Core Mediator wreck model fixed. Textures now show correctly. -Arm Liberator AI profile entries corrected. -Some unused explosion animations removed. -Some unused sound effects removed. -Some unused and defunctional map feature data removed. -GoK Valkyrie internal name changed to GoKT2JumpKbot fr...
The empirically selected evolutionary rate model for the concatenated amoABC/pmoABC tree was LG + F + I + G4 based on BIC. Branch support was estimated using ultrafast bootstrapping with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Assessment of amoA/pmoA primer complementarity ...
Nameplate: 2PT100/B/3, 1ECR101366R0001, ALLMETRA ZURICH, 0200715ALLWEILERNB32-200 U3.1D-W3-38300ALLWEILERANBP12.2 E12 GOO-143PPALLWEILERNr.3346204013 10 TYPE:DMA2 100L2ALLWEILEREMTEC-A20R46DQALLWELLERSeal for SNH1700ER42U12.1-W1 Nr.11000415ALMAAMK3-10-10-L32/60498almatec11503272Almatec...
The ISME Journal (2022) 16:1348–1362; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-021-01177-5 INTRODUCTION Copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) are a family of phylogenetically diverse and ecologically widespread but highly conserved enzymes that function in the aerobic oxidation of ammonia, methane, and ...
van Hiele's (1986) model of the development of geometric thinking considers that at a given moment, students can reason analytically about parts of figures (level 2, analysis), and to progress, they need to establish a specific structure of the information of the figures to build the notion...
Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies for archaeal genomes were inferred using IQ-Tree 1.6.984 under the LG + C10 + F + G + PMSF model. Statistical support was estimated on a set of 1480 archaeal genomes (including 1377 non-Asgard archaea GTDB species representatives from ...
72.9–83.7% [65] when compared with other Asgard archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences (83.7% and 79.9% sequence similarity to that of Odinarchaeota, respectively) (Supplementary Table7). Here, we proposeCandidatus“Hermodarchaeota” as the name of this new group, after Hermod, the son of ...