Samples were collected aseptically from the top 1-cm layer of soil into sterile 50-ml falcon tubes ( ~ 60 g per sample), which were then flash frozen in a liquid nitrogen dry shipper within half an hour of sampling. Control soil samples were taken first and then boulders were flipped ...
Samples were collected aseptically from the top 1-cm layer of soil into sterile 50-ml falcon tubes ( ~ 60 g per sample), which were then flash frozen in a liquid nitrogen dry shipper within half an hour of sam- pling. Control soil samples were taken first and then boulders were flipped...
unique adaptations of the ABT in the Atacama Desert, and niche differentiations between sites, we analyzed the high quality (> 95% completeness, <5% contamination) genomes (ABT-LB3, ABT-MB4, ABT-YB3) from each of the three sites along with three (near)-completeCa.Nitrosocosmicus reference...