本课题的创新点在于: (1)激光光源的光纤扩束匀光:激光束通过光纤后会变得发散无序,使得激光束的截面面积数千倍放大,经过特殊的光学处理后,光束的能量均匀分布. (... 孙宇 - 厦门大学 被引量: 3发表: 0年 在混凝土路面板(砖)表面形成大理石纹理的新方法 德国KBH工程公司是Baustoffwerke Gebhart & S(o)hne ...
她说鲜奶要保温 û收藏 1 124 ñ1567 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Û 查看更多 a 19关注 27.8万粉丝 2128微博 微关系 她的关注(14) 中邑故一 闲君110 你也喜歡婉婉嗎 磨咔少女Rae 她的粉丝(27.8万) 用户7860508998 ...
PURPOSE:To attain a normal monitoring in a live-line state and a detection of deterioration without being affected by the noise from outside by providing sensors to detect a traveling- wave generated from a partial discharge, generated phase thereof, noise from the outside, and reference signal...
为探究草莓花药离体再生体系最适宜培养条件,以草莓品种"枥乙女"花药为试材,研究细胞分裂素TDZ和生长素2,4-D对草莓花药愈伤组织诱导,分化和增殖的影响,筛选不同阶段最适宜草莓花药组织培养激素配比.结果表明,TDZ和2,4-D激素组合可成功培养出草莓花药再生植株,最适宜诱导培养基为MS+2,4-D 0.2 mg/L+TDZ 1.5 mg/...
To explore general practitioners' (GPs') experiences in helping children as next of kin of drug-addicted, mentally ill, or severely somatic ill adults. These children are at risk...关键词: Child of impaired parent children as next of kin disease prevention family health focus group general ...
国产S91-炊事拖车(题图)是一种高机动、高性能的战场饮食保障车辆,它已列入我军后勤装备体制,是我军第二代炊事车。 1993年10月,S91-炊事拖车通过了由总后军需部组织的... 胡光庭,张相洪 - 《兵器知识》 被引量: 0发表: 1998年 纤维增强固化技术在大直径排水管道非开挖修复中的应用研究 在这个项目中,一个...
摘要: 现代学徒制的特色是企业和学校共同育人.山东药品食品职业学院与漱玉平民医药连锁有限公司通过完善的制度管理体系,配套的扶持政策与制度和合理实用的实施步骤与办法,建立健全'双导师'制的师资队伍,为现代学徒制深入和推广探索道路.关键词:职业教育 现代学徒制 双导师 师资队伍 ...
PURPOSE: To provide an injection-molding material, in which the high fluidity of a thermotropic liquid crystal polymer is maintained and, at the same time, no trouble such as the breakage of minute parts or the like develops, and a connector and a ferrule for optical connector made therefrom...
Various aspects of this disclosure describe configuring and operating a transistor switch. Examples include a biasing circuit that contains a pair of diodes and a pair of resistors. The resistors may be placed in parallel by forward-biasing the pair of diodes. When the transistor is disabled (e...