New Holland T7 HD Blue Power Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.38Average rating 4.38 stars out of 5 stars from 3486 ratings 3486 ratings 68% 12% 13% 1% 5% Game and Legal Info Expand your Farming Simulator 17 experience with the New Holland T7 HD Blue Power DLC! This gives...
New Holland T7 HD Blue Power Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.38Average rating 4.38 stars out of 5 stars from 3487 ratings 3487 ratings 68% 12% 13% 1% 5% Expand your Farming Simulator 17 experience with the New Holland T7 HD Blue Power DLC! This gives you access to a...
165/225 Max. horsepower - ISO TR14396 - ECE R120 [kW/hp(CV)] 114/155 121/165 132/180 147/200 Max. EPM torque - ISO TR14396 (Nm) 750@1500rpm 805@1500rpm 875@1500rpm 940@1500rpm Max. torque ISO TR14396 (Nm) 655@1500rpm 700@1500rpm 770@1500rpm 840@1500rpm Torque rise ...
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