1,首先T500和T700都采用最新的美光232层TLC NAND颗粒,顺序读取速度高达7400MB/s写入速度高达7000MB/s,支持PCIe4.0速率 2,英睿达T700是旗舰款,支持当下最新的PCIe5.0速率,创新技术卓越品质,自主打造232层TLC颗粒,顺序读取/写入速度高达12,400和11,800MB/s,属于目前固态硬盘的天花板级别。 3,而P5 Plus是老款型号,也...
Calculated by comparing T500’s sequential reads of 7,400MB/s to the previous generation’s (P5 Plus) speeds of 6,600MB/s, or to the SATA’s (MX500) speed of 560MB/s. Actual performance may vary. Compared to Gen4 SSD performance without DirectStorage, based on Micron test results with...
For P5 Plus, move it in to the 80MM mark, which is the next one closer. 5. Insert the drive at approximately a 30-degree angle. When fully inserted, push it down. The screw cut out on T500 should line up with that spacer. Screw it down. 6 Replace the door. Screw it back in...
商品名称:Crucial镁光P5英睿达T500台式机1T笔记本M.2电脑SSD固态硬盘NVME P3 PLUS 英睿达P3 plus 2TB Pcie 4.0+硬 2TB 商品编号:10125083370873 店铺:数码宝贝精选店 货号:008754 容量:1TB 接口:M.2接口(NVMe协议) 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 ...
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Calculated by comparing T500’s sequential reads of 7,400MB/s to the previous generation’s (P5 Plus) speeds of 6,600MB/s, or to the SATA’s (MX500) speed of 560MB/s. Actual performance may vary. Compared to Gen4 SSD performance without DirectStorage, based on Micron test results with...
Calculated by comparing T500’s sequential reads of 7,400MB/s to the previous generation’s (P5 Plus) speeds of 6,600MB/s, or to the SATA’s (MX500) speed of 560MB/s. Actual performance may vary. Compared to Gen4 SSD performance without DirectStorage, based on Micron test results with...
Calculated by comparing T500’s sequential reads of 7,400MB/s to the previous generation’s (P5 Plus) speeds of 6,600MB/s, or to the SATA’s (MX500) speed of 560MB/s. Actual performance may vary. Compared to Gen4 SSD performance without DirectStorage, based on Micron test results with...