public int ID { get; set;} /// <summary> /// 姓名 /// </summary> public string Name { get; set;} /// <summary> /// 出生日期 /// </summary> public DateTime? Birth { get; set;} } } ⑥转义字符
T4模板使用记录,生成Model、Service、Repository 自己目前在搭建一个.NET Core的框架,本来是打算使用前端做代码生成器直接生成到文件的,快做好了。感觉好像使用T4更方便一些,所以也就有了这篇文章~ 我还是有个问题没解决,就是我想生成每个类(接口)单独的文件~,如果有老师知道指点下啊~ 在网上找了一篇相关文章本文...
Forastiere AA, Ismaila N, Wolf GT (2018) Use of larynx-preservation strategies in the treatment of laryngeal cancer: American society of clinical oncology clinical practice guideline update summary. J Oncol Pract 14:123–128 9. Grover S, Swisher-Mcclure S, Mitra N et al (2015) Total ...
Summary1,2,3 The hormone thyroxine (T4) is the main product secreted by the thyroid Storage and stability gland and is an integral component of the hypothalamus-anterior Store at 2-8 °C. pituitary-thyroid regulating system. It has the function of anabolically Store the Elecsys T4 reagent ...
Assay Summary Place the bottles in the sample zone. T4 CalSet is a buffer/protein matrix with added L‑thyroxine in two concentration ranges. Read in all the information necessary for calibrating the assay. The CalSet can be used with all reagent lots. Ensure the calibrators are at 20‑...
使用代码生成Model层,有个好处,如果T4模板在生成代码的过成功抛出异常,可以调试查看。 如果想自定义生成实体的一些格式请改变这3个静态变量的模版 var tempItem=ClassTemplate.ItemTemplate; 类的模版 var temp=ClassTemplate.Template ; 字段模版 ClassTemplate.ClassFieldSummaryTemplate 字段摘要模版...
/// <summary> /// <#=column.Remark#> /// </summary> private <#= column.CSharpType#><# if(column.CommonType.IsValueType && column.IsNullable){#>?<#}#> _<#=column.ColumnName#> ; public <#= column.CSharpType#><# if(column.CommonType.IsValueType && column.IsNullable){#>?<#...