Pathology Assessment: A central component of the treatment of breast cancer is full knowledge of extent of disease and biologic features. These factors contribute to the determination of the stage of disease, assist in the estimation of the risk that the cancer will recur, and provide information ...
Pathology Assessment: A central component of the treatment of breast cancer is full knowledge of extent of disease and biologic features. These factors contribute to the determination of the stage of disease, assist in the estimation of the risk that the cancer will recur, and provide information ...
Performance of SLN mapping and resection in the surgical staging of the clinically negative axilla is recommended by the panel for assessment of the pathologic status of the ALNs in patients with clinical stage I, stage II, and stage IIIA (T3, N1, M0) breast cancer. This recommendation is su...
Performance of SLN mapping and resection in the surgical staging of the clinically negative axilla is recommended by the panel for assessment of the pathologic status of the ALNs in patients with clinical stage I, stage II, and stage IIIA (T3, N1, M0) breast cancer. This recommendation is su...
A bone scan is only indicated in patients presenting with localized bone pain or elevated alkaline phosphatase. The use of PET or PET/CT scanning is not indicated in the staging of clinical stage I, II, or operable III breast cancer. FDG PET/CT is most helpful in situations where standard...
was less than 1% among all age, ER status, and cancer stage groups. Data from a recent meta-analysis found no absolute reduction in risk of distant metastases with CPM. Furthermore, among patients with unilateral breast cancer who have an increased familial/genetic risk, although a decrease in...
stage breast cancer and may be comparable to treatment with standard whole-breast RT. Patients who may be suitable for APBI are women 60 years of age and older who are not carriers of a known BRCA1/2 mutation and who have been treated with primary surgery for a unifocal stage I, ER-...
根据NCCN小组,保留皮肤的乳腺切除术应该由一个协调工作的有经验的乳腺手术小组完成,以多学科方式正确指导病人选择保留皮肤的乳腺切除术,确定重建与辅助治疗及获得恰当手术切缘的切除术的最佳顺序。对于遵循与标准乳腺切除术相同选择标准的保留皮肤的乳腺切除术患者乳腺切除术后仍然应该施行放疗。 Breast cancer NCCN 2015v3...
stage breast cancer and may be comparable to treatment with standard whole-breast RT. Patients who may be suitable for APBI are women 60 years of age and older who are not carriers of a known BRCA1/2 mutation and who have been treated with primary surgery for a unifocal stage I, ER-...