*After the liquid slow mode is activated by the lever switch on the control panel, the front wiper controller can be used to control the liquid slow gear. *At the same time, the seven gears of interval brush speed adjustment and the interval brush and slow brush in the rear wiper control...
The carbon fiber wheel cut with a CNC machine, it is 60% lighter than the orginal wheel. A lower weight means greater sensitivity and accuracy of force feedback response.Note: Steering wheel modification panel only, buttons not includedSold...
Mais le plus chiant c'est la boite de vitesse quand je monte une vitesse ou je rétrograde cela fonctionne une fois sur 2 sachant que mon volant a genre 130h d'actif autrement dit il est neuf sur forza horizon 5 sa me le fait pas assetto corsa pareil et sur mes jeux de rally non ...
Подскажите, пожалуйста,уВасустановленВы Logitech G Hub? "For PC players: Make sureto install the Logitech G Hub, regardless of the wheel manufacturer and model you are using." Ждемобратнойсвязи! Здравствуйте...
【求助】欧卡2用不了..官方驱动已经安装,固件也已经更新,Control Panel上测试无任何问题,steam控制器里面能检测到Thrustmaster T300RS Racing Whell,欧卡2的控制器设置里面也能选
- On PC (only), the racing wheel can be configured in “Advanced Mode” to offer 25 action buttons + 1 D-Pad (in this mode, the 2 rotary encoders, 2 D-Pads, 4 shifters and 4 L3/R3 buttons are configured individually). To do so, in the Control Panel, select the Advanc...
micro switch. 3. All metal main body except for the panel. Internal main structure-stainless steel. Base, shell-aluminum alloy. Gear lever-stainless steel. 4. Fit game :Dust, WRC, Divine Power, EST, LFS. 5. Independent system, regardless of the type of base used, can be matched. 6....
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Start a single player race What happens when the bug occurs?Nothing when pressing the throttle pedal. What do you expect to see?Feedback from the car engine I'm using a PS4 with a Thrustmaster T300 RS. ...
micro switch. 3. All metal main body except for the panel. Internal main structure-stainless steel. Base, shell-aluminum alloy. Gear lever-stainless steel. 4. Fit game :Dust, WRC, Divine Power, EST, LFS. 5. Independent system, regardless of the type of base used, can be matched. 6....