Based off of the World of Tanks T28 Concept premium vehicle, this is a prototype anti tank destroyer. With a very unuique overhang of the turret it provides exeptional armor capabilities. Big thanks to everyone who helped me, @X4JB Everyone who helped with paint ideas: the skin is ...
发点T28/T95 super heavy tank 的照片,标题要长。。。 只看楼主 收藏 回复 打赏 德意志的铁拳 敢死队员 7 四条履带的大家伙主要数据最喜欢下面这张了,特有喜感,猜猜看前面的坦克型号和人体比较下够大吧,不过28是个不切实际的产物,废掉了,仅存的一辆在 巴顿博物馆放着呢 () 打赏 回复 1楼 2011-05-...