Father GenG恭喜 T1 战队在概念神之战中战胜了 GenG 战队On a side note, reaching Worlds Finals in...
【中字】LCK 夏季赛决赛开幕式 GEN vs. T1 || 2023 LCK SUMMER FINAL 0820 2809 2 14:56 App 【采访全场中字】GenG冠军采访 LCK Spring Final || T1 vs GEN finals press conference 1.4万 25 6:53 App 【中字】GEN-DK-BRO-NS:LCK传奇的会员小卡的抽卡营业 || lck legendaries 0817 4869 -- 7:...
尔希鹿马创建的收藏夹尔希鹿马内容:派克玩家也是忍不住轻哼起来了 T1 vsGenG 赛点局,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Azenji目前蓝色方胜率最高队vs历史蓝色方胜率最高队At least I don't have to watch T1 vs GENG ...
WBG vs T1 - Finals T1横扫WBG,成功拿下最后的冠军!WBG选到三局蓝色方也没有打出应有的效果,无论是对线还是打团,都不如对手。T1则是在技战术方面都更胜一筹,Faker斩获生涯第四冠! T1战队凭借出色的团队协作、策略运用和稳定的心态,成功战胜了WBG战队,夺得了冠军。相信T1战队能继续保持高昂的斗志和出色的团队...
As the grand finale of the League of Legends 2023 Worlds Finals approaches this Sunday, November 19th, we have a possible mirror of the events that partook last year in 2022 finals. 4th seed DRX, the underdog team of the LCK defeating the favorite to win
DRX vs T1 | Finals | 2022Worlds | 英雄联盟S12 11次观看 · 16分钟前 · 发布于 中国澳门 转发 评论 赞 t1 drx s12世界赛 2022全球总决赛 必胜哥- 2.1万粉丝 · 体育博主 微博剪辑视频博主 关注 LOL- 2022 Worlds - Finals 決 11/6 DRX vs T1 @JDG京东电子竞技俱乐部 @GenG_LOL_英雄联盟 #t1...
League of Legends: On the 3rd (KST), day 13 of the 2020 LCK Summer split took place at LoL Park, Seoul. The rematch of the Spring split finals between T1 and Gen.G ended in a 2-0 victory for T1, while kt Rolster also to
in the Top Lane, where Canna’s Ornn was able to overcome a matchup disadvantage to once again, solo kill Doran’s Lucian. From that point on, the momentum shifted towards T1, where they were able to pick up the pace by destroying the Tier 2 Mid Turret and head into the...
BLG 将被GenG 3:0 BLG 将输给 T1 <-- 进度条位置 BLG 将输给JDG BLG不会赢得世界赛 多么伟大的旅程,我太爱这只队伍了,冲啊! Pelagius_Hipbone•17 min. ago Death, Taxes, Yagao vs Knight in finals. Not even Elkeylove can stop fate 死亡,税收,以及Yagao 与Knight的最终对决。这些都是注定的...