部件名BC849BLT1 功能描述GeneralPurposeTransistors(NPNSilicon) Download6 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商ONSEMI [ON Semiconductor] 网页http://www.onsemi.com 标志 类似零件编号 - BC849BLT1 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 Motorola, IncBC849BLT1
类似零件编号 - BC847CDXV6T1 制造商 部件名 数据表 功能描述 ON Semiconductor BC847CDXV6T1 102Kb / 5P Dual General Purpose Transistors October, 2010 ??Rev. 2 BC847CDXV6T1D 102Kb / 5P Dual General Purpose Transistors October, 2010 ??Rev. 2 BC847CDXV6T1G 102Kb / 5P Dual General Purpose...
A general cardiac acquisition scheme is illustrated in Fig.3. An electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggered pulse sequence is used to acquire multiple images at different spin-lock times along the T1ρ decay curve. In practice, the trigger delay is adapted to ensure that the images are acquired in the ...
The second general class of SPIONs used in the study are therapeutic agents contain- ing clusters of iron oxide cores with polydisperse diameter embedded in a polymer network. An example of this type of contrast agent, Feraheme (ferumoxytol), is shown in Fig. 1b. Ferumoxytol is an FDA-...
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Asynchronous General Purpose Timer (ch) Watchdog Timer (ch) 24-Bit Sigma-Delta A/D Converter (ch) 16-Bit A/D Converter (ch) 14-Bit A/D Converter (ch) 12-Bit A/D Converter (ch) 10-Bit A/D Converter (ch) 12-Bit D/A...
中国病理生理杂志社 2023-05-31 10:45 广东 IFIT1通过激活Wnt/β-catenin通路促进胆管癌进展 王鹏1,2张迪3黄嘉槟 3刘均立 3洪健2,3向国安 1,2 (1. 南方医科大学第二临床医学院,广东 广州 510515;2. 广东省第二人民医院...
General Electric 6VFWS216A1 Drive - Refurbished GE SGLB36BD0150 circuit breaker 60 amp plug 600 volt - tested w/ warranty SKHA36AT1200 GE Circuit Breaker NEW GE Mine Duty Circuit Breaker TJ36FMD 600 Amp 480 Volt MD3 G.E. General Electric (5A01JXA003XT) 300A Size 5 DC Contactor 104...
LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD.BC856b–1/5132Dual General Purpose TransistorsPNP DualsThese transistors are designed for general purpose amplifierapplications. They are housed in the SOT–363/SC–88 which isdesigned for low power surface mount applications.
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