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Our industrial roll manufacturing company has been on the LEAN Manufacturing journey for almost 2 years. While the LEAN methodology has greatly improved our productivity and efficiency, what difference does that make to our customers or to the industry in general? This paper will discuss the ways ...
摘要: 不要总是报怨你的睡眠不够,睡眠质量不高,一定要找到偷走你睡眠的"贼"。日前,美国的医学教授发表最新研究,找出了偷走睡眠的10个"贼",并给出了解决办法。请对照看看,有没有偷走你睡眠的那个"贼"。关键词:睡眠质量 医学教授 医生 临床 年份: 2010 ...
PURPOSE:To prevent flowing a charge current to an electronic circuit having a lower power voltage from an electronic circuit having a higher power voltage by connecting one terminal of plural series circuits each comprising an operating switch and a diode in common and connecting a power supply sid...
As new democratic institutions are being developed, citizens are becoming increasingly aware of the way in which they are governed: in short, they want to be listened to and reckoned with. They want their views to be taken into account. They expect the government to be attentive to their ...