[消费主张]武汉白沙洲农副产品大市场:水产交易量和交易均价双双上升 [正点财经]湖北:购新补贴带来“换新潮” 电子产品销售持续升温 [中国三农报道]人勤春早 农事启新 黑龙江桦川 铲车清雪 尽早扣棚缩短备耕时间 《生财有道》 20220314 咱们家乡春天美——湖北黄石:生活田园 味道春天 换一批央视...
青岛邮局海关快件监管科副科长 夏廷刚:翻看杂志时发现,内部不同书页间夹藏着塑料袋装的种子4包。 海关人员介绍,未经检疫入境的植物种子和具有繁殖能力的植物材料有可能携带细菌、病毒、真菌等植物检疫性病害,并可能对我国生态安全和农林业生产造成威胁。 杭州、合肥海关相继从入境邮件中截获活体昆虫。南通、宁波等地海关...
The contact pin of fuel injection valve, which is usually sealed from the valve pocket with sealing ring and is provided with small plastic lid, avoids injury by an extruded plastic coating. The present invention simplifies this sealing element. Therefore, shell axially includes the pipe hole of...
摘要 在西方发达国家,平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard.BSC)无论是在理论研究方面,还是在实践应用方面都已有十多年的历史,其全局性,平衡观以及战略观在企业绩效评估与战略管理方面均起到了积极的推动作用.在实践BSC的企业中,... 关键词平衡计分卡 / 企...
摘要: Objective: To examine the validity of the three subtypes of ADHD defined by DSM-IV.Method: Studies published in English were identified through searches of literature databases.Results: Estimates o...关键词:ADHD subtypes combined hyperactive-impulsive inattentive validity ...
A vertical diffusion method for quantitative analysis of Nisin in canned food was discussed. Bacillus stearothermophilus IAM 1035 was used as test organisms for this study. Results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. Dispense 9ml of nutrient agar (meat extract 0.5%, Polypeptone 1.0%, NaCl...
I T is a somewhat remarkable fact in natural history | that while all true flying mammals, that is to say bats,: belong to a single ordinal group, and for all we know to the contrary, may have been derived from one original ancestral stock, this is very far from being the case with...
An authentication element (44, 70, 72, 74, 76, 90) attachable to a security document (40) having a substrate (42), the authentication element (44, 70, 72, 74, 76, 90) : a piezoelectric material layer (46) formed as a single layer for generating an electric field in response to a...