WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:30'; -- Sleep for 90 seconds. END Azure Synapse 专用 SQL 池示例 SQL 复制 DECLARE @sleeptimesec int = 1; DECLARE @startingtime datetime2(2) = getdate(); PRINT N'Sleeping for ' + CAST(@sleeptimesec as varchar(5)) + ' seconds' WHILE (1=1) BEGIN PRINT N...
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'; -- Wait 30 seconds to make sure that the full-text index gets updated. SELECT r.Comments, p.Name FROM Production.ProductReview AS r JOIN Production.Product AS p ON r.ProductID = p.ProductID AND r.ProductID = (SELECT ProductID FROM Production.ProductReview ...
PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (modstamp,MaxDateTime2) ) INSERT INTO dbo.YourTable (FooId, FooName) VALUES (1,'abc'); SELECT * FROM dbo.YourTable; WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' UPDATE dbo.YourTable SET FooName = 'xyz' WHERE FooId = 1; SELECT * FROM dbo.YourTable; DROP TABLE d...
-- with change_tracking on so that the full-text indexes are updated automatically.WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30';-- Wait 30 seconds to make sure that the full-text index gets updated.SELECTr.Comments, p.NameFROMProduction.ProductReviewASrJOINProduction.ProductASpONr.ProductID = p.ProductIDANDr....
SET NOCOUNT ON USE tempdb WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO MsgQueue VALUES('Msg' + CAST(CAST(RAND()*1000000000 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(10))) WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01' END Next you need to open several other new connections and run the code inFigure 4in each connection to simulate processing...
-- with change_tracking on so that the full-text indexes are updated automatically.WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30';-- Wait 30 seconds to make sure that the full-text index gets updated.SELECTr.Comments, p.NameFROMProduction.ProductReviewASrJOINProduction.ProductASpONr.ProductID = p.ProductIDANDr....
fraction of a second. If many Jobs are aleady executing, it may take seconds or longer for Jobs to start. I have issued a hundred or so calls in a loop for testing, and have observed within Enterprise Manager--Jobs how the jobs start execute and end. I have not seen any affect on...
1CREATEPROC[dbo].[usp_CallSSISPackage]@package_nameNVARCHAR(260),--包名称2@folder_nameNVARCHAR(128),--IS Catagory文件夹名3@project_nameNVARCHAR(128),--IS Catagory项目名称4@use32bitruntimeBIT=FALSE,--以32位运行还是64位5@delayVARCHAR(100)='00:00:30',--package启动后每隔多久查看一次运行情况...
exec dbo.p_printerror; IF XACT_STATE() <> 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; return Error_number(); end catch exec dbo.p_exec_cleanqueue; return @@error GO jmsma2002 Say Hey Kid Points: 692 More actions March 3, 2014 at 3:39 pm #1693719 ...
WAITFOR DELAY @PollingInterval END The proc takes four parameters -- the wait condition (the condition to wait on to become true), an optional wait message, the polling interval (defaults to 5 seconds), and an optional polling message. @WaitCondition is the only required parameter and consists...