', @stringToSplit) > 0 BEGIN SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @stringToSplit) SELECT @name = SUBSTRING(@stringToSplit, 1, @pos-1) INSERT INTO @returnList SELECT @name SELECT @string
It works great but the function assigns the split string into one column. I need a row of individual columns. The present result is 1col with values Name, Account, 445566,... in it but the result I'm looking for is col1 Name, col2 Account, col3 445566,... If anyone could ...
So, is it better to continue with what I'm doing - basically split the string on each select? OR I was thinking taking that inner SELECT in code above and saving output into temporary table and actually expanding the concatenated result string into separate columns. This way I could reuse ...
然后,使用动态SQL构建了一个查询语句。首先,通过STRING_SPLIT函数将CommaSeparatedValues列拆分为多行。然后,使用PIVOT函数将多行转换为多列,每个逗号分隔的值对应一列。最后,执行动态SQL语句,将转换后的结果输出。 这种方法适用于逗号分隔的列数量不确定的情况,可以动态地根据数据进行列的生成和转换。
14 STRING_SPLIT函数 15 LIKE谓词 2.7.2 日期和时间常量 SQL Server不同日期和时间的常量表示方法,相反,它允许用户指定可以被显式或隐式转换为日期和时间数据类型的不同类型常量。 使用字符串表示日期和时间值是最好的做法。 2.7.3 独立使用日期和时间 ...
Using T-SQL, sql developers or SQL Server database administrators develop different user defined functions UDF to handle string splitting task. I guess, you have prepared such SQL UDF functions to split and convert comma delimited varchar string values into a table row columns. ...
CREATE TABLE Arrays ( arrid INT NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, array VARCHAR(7999) NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO Arrays VALUES('') INSERT INTO Arrays VALUES('10') INSERT INTO Arrays VALUES('20,40,30') INSERT INTO Arrays VALUES('-1,-3,-5') Next, create the fn_splitarr table-valued funct...
Compare the 3 columns and pick up the latest date Compare two tables on different server Compare two xml data by xquery in sql server Comparing columns with NULL values--Merge says unmatched when data is matched. Comparing two columns using a case statement Complex string_split / PIVOT ...
7 T-SQL - How to split (char separated) string into rows and columns 6 How do you count the occurrences of an anchored string using PostgreSQL? 2 Investigating errors from strange query 4 Can you separate schemas and objects with spaces and line feeds in T-SQL? 0 Sql S...
Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/. Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http:/...