在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的一种常见方法是使用INSERT EXEC语句。 INSERT EXEC语句允许将存储过程的结果插入到表中。以下是使用INSERT EXEC语句在SELECT查询中执行存储过程的示例: 代码语言:sql 复制 CREATETABLE#tempTable (Column1INT,Column2VARCHAR(50))INSERTINTO#tempTableEXECYourStoredProcedureName@Parameter1='V...
SELECT*INTO#TempTableFROMOPENROWSET( 'SQLOLEDB','SERVER=servername;uid=sa;pwd=yourpwd;Database=DBName', 'SET FMTONLY OFF;SET NOCOUNT ON; EXEC YourProcedure')ASA SELECT*FROM#TempTable DROPTABLE#TempTable 同时也可以直接使用自定义函数. 定义好函数后,可使用select * from fn_yourfunction进行查询....
INTO #temp_table FROM ( SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table1 UNION SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table2 ) AS temp_result; 在上述示例中,#temp_table是临时表的名称,可以根据实际需求进行命名。column1, column2, ...是要选择的列名,可以根据实际情况进行调整。table1和table2是要合并的...
5: create table #table (empidint, empname varchar (25),Department varchar (25) ,Salaryint) 6: create clustered index #table_index1 on #table (empid asc ) 7: create nonclustered index #table_index2 on #table (Salary) include (Department,empid ) 8: insert into #table select S.empid,...
SELECT CAST('1.23' AS INT) 返回:在将 varchar 值 '1.23' 转换成数据类型 int 时失败。 1.2 CONVERT 【说明】 其作用和CAST相同 但是CONVERT可以设置第三个参数来指定转换的样式,所以可以通过该参数将特定的时间字符串转为特定的时间格式 ...
set rowcount nselect * from 表变量 order by columnname desc (2) 第二种 select top n * from (select top m * from tablename order by columnname) a order by columnname desc (3) 第三种 select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename 取n到m条的语句为: select * from #temp...
SQL 复制 CREATE TABLE #temptable (col1 INT); GO INSERT INTO #temptable VALUES (10); GO SELECT * FROM #temptable; GO IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#temptable', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temptable; GO --Test the drop. SELECT * FROM #temptable; ...
SQL 复制 CREATE TABLE #temptable (col1 INT); GO INSERT INTO #temptable VALUES (10); GO SELECT * FROM #temptable; GO IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#temptable', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temptable; GO --Test the drop. SELECT * FROM #temptable; ...
SELECT...INTO...不是标准SQL,该语句会创建新表并将查询结果集数据插入到表中,句式: SELECT field1[,field2] INTO target_table FROM raw_table; 目标表的结构和数据是基于源表的,但,不会从源表复制:约束、索引、触发器和权限。 INSERT...EXEC... ...
INTO Let us try a final test, this time with a SELECT INTO a temporary table: SELECT someval AS somenewvalinto INTO #tempselectinto FROM MyTab SELECT collation_name, name FROM tempdb.sys.columns WHERE name = ‘somenewvalinto’ GO As you can predict, the columns of the temporary ...