from MemberDiagnosis cross apply(values (dx),(dx2),(dx3),(dx4),(dx5)) a(b) where a.b is not null order by 1 ; Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic.Login to reply
APIVOTused to rotate the data from one column into multiple columns.
Another, yet similar, approach involves the aggregation in place of the join operation....
from #tempScores ts pivot ( max(ts.classScore) for className in(' + @columnfilter +N') ) ps ' exec sp_executesql @sqlstatement --2 columns of records transformed to rows 列转行 if exists(select 1 from tempdb.sys.tables where upper(name) like upper('%tempScores%')) drop table #te...
The new PIVOT operator lets you rotate rows into columns, optionally performing aggregations along the way. For example, suppose you want to return from the Orders table the count of yearly orders for each employee. You could write a simple GROUP BY query to get the information, but you want...
To easily transpose columns into rows with its names you should use XML. In my blog I was described this solution with example: It doesn't appear to be the XML that does the trick there. It's the dynamic SQL that does it. Why is that any better than just plain old dynamic SQL driv...
T-SQL offers a built-in operator calledPIVOT. Oracle includes the same, but MySQL lacks it. The PIVOT operator converts rows to columns. People pivot on data points like the months of the year or employees. Imagine you create a scheduling report with employees as rows and columns as months...
This is in addition to all rows typically returned by the INNER JOIN. LEFT [ OUTER ] Specifies that all rows from the left table not meeting the join condition are included in the result set, and output columns from the other table are set to NULL in addition to all rows returned by ...
UNPIVOTis similar toPIVOTin reverse, but spreads existing column values into rows. The source set is similar to the result of thePIVOTwith values pertaining to particular entities listed in columns. Because the result set has more rows than the source, aggregations ...