WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0)-- Loop through all tables in the databaseBEGININSERT#RESULTEXECUTEA_Search_StringInGivenTable@SearchString,@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;FETCHcurAllTablesINTO@Table_Schema,@Table_Name;END;-- whileCLOSEcurAllTables;DEALLOCATEcurAllTables;-- Return resultsSELECT*FROM#RESULTORDERB...
In the next code sample, we begin to loop through the cursor and use the column metadata to create the code. You will notice three key variables being modified: @sKeyFields, @sSetClause, and @sWhereClause. The first of these is used to create the parameter list for the stored procedure...
Create a procedure to loop throughSourceTableand insert rows. Note There are syntax differences between T-SQL for theCREATE PROCEDUREand theCURSORdeclaration. For more information, seeStored Procedures. CREATE PROCEDURE LoopItems() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLA...
select @dupecount = COUNT(*) from @dupetable 然后初始化循环计数器: set @loopcounter = 0 然后代码应循环遍历重复表,选择顶部记录,删除它的所有重复条目,然后从临时@dupetable中删除它: while @loopcounter < @dupecount --Loop through duplicate records begin select * from @dupetable set @loopcounter...
The query will loop through all the tables within schema “dbo” and for all the columns having datatype of “NVARCHAR” and will return Tablename along with Columnname where the value is found.This way, we can search for a specific value having a specific datatype in the d...
Can we alias name for temp table Can we creating index on non unique value columns on temporary tables Can we do MAX inside nested CASE Statement? Can we generate pipe delimited column through SQL query Can we optimise While Loop in sql server for large number of data? Can we pass par...
(ObjectId, IndexName,'IndexDepth') >0;-- Open the cursor.OPEN indexes;-- Loop through the indexes.FETCH NEXT FROM indexes INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexid, @frag; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT'Executing DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, '+RTRIM(@tablename) +', '+RTRIM(@indexid) +'...
SELECT TargetSchema, TargetTable, SourceSchema, SourceTable, StoredProcedureName FROM meta.Fabric_Metadata WHERE LoadType= 'Full' Sample Query Output For Each Loop – Full Reload The next step is to iterate through the output in the for each loop. Use the settings tab to defin...
(ObjectId, IndexName,'IndexDepth') >0;-- Open the cursor.OPEN indexes;-- Loop through the indexes.FETCH NEXT FROM indexes INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexid, @frag; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINPRINT'Executing DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, '+RTRIM(@tablename) +', '+RTRIM(@indexid) +'...