filename='D:\DataBase\CompanyDB_S2.ndf', size=20MB, maxsize=200MB, filegrowth=10MB ) log on ( name='CompanyDB_Log1', filename='D:\DataBase\CompanyDB_Log1.ldf', size=10MB, maxsize=100MB, filegrowth=10% ), ( name='CompanyDB_Log2', filename='D:\DataBase\CompanyDB_Log2.ldf'...
安全性函式:IS_MEMBER({'group' | 'role'})、IS_ROLEMEMBER ('role' [, 'database_principal'])、IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('role' [, 'login'])、ORIGINAL_LOGIN()、SESSION_USER、CURRENT_USER、SUSER_ID(['login'])、SUSER_SID(['login'] [, Param2])、SUSER_SNA...
创建数据库,默认情况下,一条命令就可以了:Create Database dbName; 但可以指定更多的选项来创建数据库,其命令语法格式如下: CREATEDATABASE<databasename> [ON [PRIMARY] ([NAME = <’logical file name’>,] FILENAME=<’filename’> [, SIZE = <size in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terrabytes>...
Increase the number of stripes in the backup command to reduce individual stripe size and stay within this limit. Tip To work around this limitation, when you back up a database from either SQL Server in an on-premises environment or in a virtual machine, you can: Back up to DISK ...
Find a database size limit from within the SQL Server Find a String inside nvarchar(max) Find all rows where the value in one column only occurs once Find All Special Characters in a SQL Server Find and insert missing records Find cascading deletes that effect a specific table Find creator...
The following example assumes that the following tables and table-valued function exist in the database: Expand table Object NameColumn Names Departments DeptID, DivisionID, DeptName, DeptMgrID EmpMgr MgrID, EmpID Employees EmpID, EmpLastName, EmpFirstName, EmpSalary GetReports(MgrID) EmpID, Emp...
从数据库快照的sys.database_files中或从sys.master_files中选择size列。“大小”列的值反映快照可以使用的最大空间(SQL 页数);此值相当于 Windows 的“大小”字段,不同的是此值以文件中包含的 SQL 页数表示;大小(以字节为单位)为: (number_of_pages* 8192) ...
= 5000, @deletebatchsize_cmd = 2000, @security_mode = 0, @login = @distributorlogin, @password = @distributorpassword; GO DECLARE @snapshotdirectory AS NVARCHAR(500); SET @snapshotdirectory = N'/var/opt/mssql/data/ReplData/'; -- Log into distributor and create Distribution Database. In...
创建文件时操作系统使用的路径和文件名。该文件必须驻留在安装 SQL Server 的服务器上。在执行 ALTER DATABASE 语句前,指定的路径必须已经存在。 如果为该文件指定了 UNC 路径,则无法设置 SIZE、MAXSIZE 和 FILEGROWTH 参数。 不应将数据文件放在压缩文件系统中,除非这些文件是只读辅助文件或该数据库是只读的。日志...
[ database_name . ] [ schema_name . ] sequence_name [ OVER (<over_order_by_clause>) ] –=== –获取范围的序列值 sp_sequence_get_range [ @sequence_name = ] N'<sequence>’ , [ @range_size = ] range_size , [ @range_first_value = ] range_first_value OUTPUT [, [ @range_...