可以证明:在存储过程级指定 WITH RECOMPILE 强制重编译 和SQL语句级指定的OPTION(RECOMPILE)强制重编译,相同条件下生成的执行计划是不一样的。 为什么WITH RECOMPILE强制重编译 和 OPTION(RECOMPILE)强制重编译得到的执行计划是不一样的? WITH RECOMPILE强制重编译是每次运行存储过程,都根据当前的参数情况做一次重编译...
publicintExecuteWithPara(SqlConnection sqlconn,stringProcedureName, SqlParameter[] Parameters) { _sqlCmd=newSqlCommand(ProcedureName, sqlconn); //设置使用存储过程 _sqlCmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; //先清楚参数 _sqlCmd.Parameters.Clear(); _sqlCmd.Parameters.AddRange(Parameters); if(sql...
I am new to SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. I need to know an answer to this question. If I create a stored procedure using T-SQL in SQL Server Management Studio and define output ...
When this T-SQL script is run, it creates a new Update stored procedure for the Order_Details table. All columns are accounted for as parameters in the new stored procedure code, but notice how the primary key columns (OrderID and ProductID) show up in the Where clause, while the other...
with a status accepted. In both cases, the final document will be the last document in docPath (in our example, 12315), but the source document won't be the first. In my example, the first document (12217) is a template, which has only basic parameters of the offer. (Only when I...
User-defined functions are another example of T-SQL statements. User-defined functions take input parameters, perform an action and return the results to the call. Restore a database with T-SQL. Another example is a trigger, which is a stored T-SQL script that runs when a statement other ...
Create views and stored proceduresA view is a stored SELECT statement, and a stored procedure is one or more Transact-SQL statements that execute as a batch.Views are queried like tables and don't accept parameters. Stored procedures are more complex than views. Stored procedures can have both...
一.摘要 表值参数(Table-valued parameters)简称TVP,是SQL Server 2008中引入的一种新特性,它提供了一种内置的方式,让客户端应用可以只通过单独的一条参化数SQL语句,就可以向SQL Server发送多行数据。 二.简介 在表值参数出现以前,当需要发送多行数据到SQL Server,我们只能使用一些替代方案来实现: (1) 使用一连...
When a CREATE DATABASE <database_name> statement is specified without additional size parameters, the primary data file is made the same size as the primary file in the model database. Unless FOR ATTACH is specified, each new database inherits the database ...