(9 rows affected) 1> 2> ALTER TABLE Employee 3> ALTER COLUMN Name varchar (30) NOT NULL 4> GO 1> 2> select * from employee 3> GO ID name salary start_date city region --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 Jason 40420 1994-02-01 00:00:00.000 New York W 2 Robert 14420 1995-01...
_column_alias [ , ...n ] ) ] | user_defined_function [ [ AS ] table_alias ] | OPENXML <openxml_clause> | derived_table [ [ AS ] table_alias ] [ ( column_alias [ , ...n ] ) ] | <joined_table> | <pivoted_table> | <unpivoted_table> | @variable [ [ AS ] table_...
TSQL–标示列、GUID 、序列 –1. IDENTIY 列不能为空,不能设默认值,创建后不能使用ALTER TABLE TableName ALTER COLUMN修改,每张表只能有一个自增列 –2. 查看当前值:SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(‘TableName’), — 查看增量值:SELECT IDENT_INCR(‘TableName’) — 查看原始种子值:SELECT IDENT_SEED(‘TableNa...
AlterTableAddTableElementStatement AlterTableAlterColumnOption AlterTableAlterColumnStatement AlterTableAlterColumnStatement 建構函式 屬性 方法 接受 AcceptChildren AlterTableAlterIndexStatement AlterTableAlterPartitionStatement AlterTableChangeTrackingModificationStatement AlterTableConstraintModificationSt...
-- Dropping the optional dbo and dropping the ProductDescription column INSERT Products (ProductID, ProductName, Price) VALUES (3000, '3 mm Bracket', 0.52) GO Update the products table Type and execute the following UPDATE statement to change the ProductName of the second product from Screwdri...
Other options you can specify as a table hint include: BULK_BATCHSIZE, BULK_FIRE_TRIGGERS, BULK_KEEPIDENTITY, BULK_KEEPNULLS, BULK_KILOBYTES_PER_BATCH, BULK_MAXERRORS, and ROWS_PER_BATCH. Using the BULK rowset provider you can load a file into a table's column more easily than ever be...
SIZE=1024kb, MAXSIZE=1gb, FILEGROWTH=1mb ) collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS--定义排序规则 go --删除数据库 --drop database myDBName; 3、用SQL创建数据表 用SQL创建数据表 usemyDBName go --- 删除学生信息表 --- ifexists(select*fromsysobjectswherename='... T621, Enhanced numeric functions T641, Multiple column assignment T652, SQL-dynamic statements in SQL routines T654, SQL-dynamic statements in external routines 2.2 Clarifications 2.3 Error Handling 2.4 Security 3 Change Tracking 4 Index 下載PDF ... T641, Multiple column assignment T652, SQL-dynamic statements in SQL routines T654, SQL-dynamic statements in external routines 2.2 Clarifications 2.3 Error Handling 2.4 Security 3 Change Tracking 4 Index 使用英语阅读 ...