网络模糊控制系统 网络释义 1. 模糊控制系统 T... ... ) T-S fuzzy models 型模糊模型 )T-S fuzzy control system模糊控制系统) T-S fuzzy control model 模糊控制模型 ...|基于3个网页
The problems of robust fault-tolerant control for T-S fuzzy system with actuator failure are studied. A new sufficient condition for the existence of robust fault-tolerant controller is given. Under the condition, the designed controller can provide the asymptotical stability of the closed-loop ...
This paper concerns with the problem of stabilization of nonlinear networked systems which are described by type-1 T–S fuzzy model. Based on Lyapunov–Krasovskii theorem, a novel procedure is derived to design a T–S fuzzy controller to asymptotically stabilize the nonlinear networked control system...
In this paper, a T–S (Takagi–Sugeno) adaptive tracking algorithm control based on small gain theorem is proposed for an uncertain robot system
For the designed fuzzy control system, the problem of finding stable feedback gains and a common Lyapunov function is solved by linear matrix inequality (LMI) via MATLAB. To verify the proposed APF system, a digital signal controller (dsPIC30F4012) is adopted to implement the algorithm of the...
This paper proposes a new fuzzy control method of Lurie chaotic system.Based on the T-S fuzzy model,the Lurie system is reconstructed.The fuzzy feedback control method for the Lurie chaotic system is designed using feedback control concept,and the method proposed consider sufficiently the interacti...
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy model predictive control is developed for networked unknown nonlinear systems which are modeled by an interval type-2 (IT-2) Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy method. By taking the effects of delay and packet loss occurrence in both network links as well as distur...
Motion control of planar parallel robot using the fuzzy descriptor system approach This work presents the control of a two-degree of freedom parallel robot manipulator. A quasi-LPV approach, through the so-called TS fuzzy model and LMI co... Laurent Vermeiren a,Antoine Dequidt a,Mohamed Afro...
此成果已经写成论文“Partial synchronization of the distributed parameter system with time delay via fuzzy control”已经被SCI收录杂志“IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information”接受。 另外,结合偏微分方程理论和Lyapunov方法,研究了由偏微分方程描述的一类耦合分布参数系统的同步问题。首先,基于Kron...