Use the Visual Voicemail app (VVM) for Android to view, save, delete or listen to messages on your phone, and enable Enhanced Caller Information (ECI).
Re:Can't activate visual voicemail - T-Mobile Hello @motocane, Thank you for reaching out. Sorry to hear that you're having problems with activating visual voicemail. Can you please confirm if you have done the steps below?: If so, we recommend contacting your carrier t...
I went into my phone settings, clicked visual voicemail, and approved everything. When it asked for a new pin, I used a number I had never used before. It said OLD PIN and wouldn't let me continue. I tried several more times with other numbers...same result. I've cl...
Obviously I won't get 4G, but it doesn't look like I got visual voicemail either (it just calls my voicemail when i hit the button in the phone app) I have the same set up and I have visual voice mail. --- bondr006 said: Where do you find Visual Voicemai...
I chatted with T-Mobile help and they said that visual voicemail is not compatible with the iPhone 3GS. So not only can I not use VVM but I also cannot know that I have new voicemail. Not sure what to do. I don't think the T-Mobile rep is correct, but what ...
i called t-mobile a couple of weeks ago to get roaming switched on for a holiday. the girl i spoke to suggested getting my voicemail deactivated for the duration as i may face charges for retrieving any messages. the day after that i realised i needed voicemail for the time i was away...
T-Mobile Voicemail just got better! With Visual Voicemail you can now listen to messages in any order, respond in one click and easily manage your inbox without ever dialing into your voicemail. No need to change your T-Mobile voicemail number or to reconfigure your voicemail forwarding - Visu...
Has anyone else run into and issue where Visual Voicemail can't seem to update when connected to Wi-FI? The phone app will show the error "Can't update visual voicemail" almost immediately after connecting to a wireless network. If I turn off wireless and use the mobile network only, it...
T-Mobile visual voicemail failed to synchronize: The factory reset will help solve the majority of software and configuration issues.
How to turn off voicemail on Verizon With Verizon, there are several versions of voicemail (basic, visual and premium visual). Some types of voicemail can even cost money at the end of the month, so there's even more reason to get rid of them. To disable voicemail on Verizon, you'll...