美国T-mobile 15刀预付套餐转10刀套餐记录和T-mobile物理卡转Esim的尝试提到如下: 然后电话联系T-mobile客服可以次月改为T-mobile Pay AS you go 3刀套餐。 (需要反复电话联系客服,有时他们会推荐给你ultra moible paygo 3刀套餐) 据网友反馈,联系t-mobile客服更换套餐为t-mobile3刀paygo的成功率不太高,有一...
个人认为如果在美国旅行超过一个星期最好选择月套餐,至于套餐金额,根据个人喜好选择就好。因为4G流量用完之后网络会自动降低成普通网络,有可能网速会变慢。4 Pay as you go 计划也就是预付费计划,3美元一月,有免费的三十分钟的通话或30条短信(即通话加短信一起不超过30,而且美国通话即使没有打通也是要扣钱的...
你直接在T-mobile的专卖店买pay as you go的卡就行了,带上护照,你就跟他说 i wanna pay as yo...
T-Mobile的资费其实比AT&T便宜又实惠,这也是很多人到美国打工旅游会买T-Mobile的原因。 T-Mobile的Prepaid Phone有三种方案: a.Pay As You Go:以分钟数计算 预付$10,可讲30min;$30可讲160mins;$50可讲400;$100可讲1000。收、发文字简讯是一封10¢(cent),带图片或影片的简讯是25¢。这个方案很不优惠,可以...
如果是用国内的手机过去,接T-mobile运行商,接听和打中国电话0.99元一分钟,如果是打美国电话是0.69元一分钟。收短信免费。发短信0.19元一条。飞信收发短信免费。这是上海手机客户的价位,其他地方不清楚。T-mobile 目前是最便宜的。我用T-mobile一个月多才扣100多元人民币,我同学接的是AT&T,一...
With pay as you go customers now able to select the pricing, the scope for the number of 3G users to increase is there. The move comes as T-Mobile UK announced the launch of its high speed downlink packet access network.EBSCO_bspTarifica Alert...
接听全免费的~不光接国际长途免费~别人给你打来都是免费接的~其实你用skype打中国也很便宜的 0.0014胖子一分钟我记得~你如果买个02的sim卡的话 有免费号码打去中国 和英国市话一样.
Regardless, T-Mobile’s prepaid plans are among the cheapest available. This latest price cut and plan restructuring also make Pay as You Go much more flexible. It will be interesting to see if AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon alter their prepaid plans in response to T-Mobile’s big move. Curren...
Had T Mobile pay as you go for more years than I care to remember . Not any more West Country has no connection since before Christmas EE rubbish . Our post code BS 48 . Thank goodness I’m not on a contract I will move to a new network but peeved you still owe me about £7...