Radiation-induced charge trapping in thin Al2O3/SiOxNy/Si(100) gate dielectric stacks This surprising result is discussed with respect to hydrogen effects in alternative dielectric materials, and may be the result of radiation-induced hydrog... JA Felix,MR Shaneyfelt,DM Fleetwood,... - 《Nu...
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containing antibiotic nucleocidin, in Streptomyces calvus indicate that one deuterium atom is incorporated at the C-5' site of nucleocidin from each of these isotopomers of glycerol. Two deuteriums become incorporated at C-5' of nucleocidin after a feeding experiment with [H-2(5)]-glycerol....
Energy dependence of elliptic flow over a large pseudorapidity range in Au+Au collisions at the BNL relativistic heavy ion collider. This Letter describes the measurement of the energy dependence of elliptic flow for charged particles in Au+Au collisions using the PHOBOS detector at the ......
Uranium deposit has a very important status in our national defiance and economy qua a kind of strategic mineral resources. It is the main work for the department of scientific research and yields survey to explore and evaluate the uranium resource. The Bashibulake uranium deposit area which is...
J un 2 00 4 AST / RO Observations of CO J = 4 → 3 Emission from the N 44 Complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者:S Kim,W Walsh,K Xiao 摘要: We present Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO) observations of CO ...