The T-Fight 315 Isoflex is the most powerful and stable tennis racquet in the T-FIGHT range. The new T-Fight Isoflex range is designed to unleash players' potential particularly thanks to two Tecnilab innovations: RS Section and Isoflex, delivering a unique feeling of dynamic control. "RS Se...
大部分人都会买305回来自己改装,而不会直接买315,我用TF40 305 18x20版本,改皮柄+2克硅胶+4克...
只打过tf40 315,简单分享一下控制绝佳,扎实稳定,减震绝佳,但甜区小,力量小,参数好看但在同类参数的拍子里上手难度还是很高的总结:打不动 来自Android客户端3楼2023-03-12 16:32 收起回复 鱼香 Top10 15 都有,目前主力拍,tf40要求会更高一些,都是好东西,建议all in 来自iPhone客户端4楼2023-03-12 17:...