Shadowing, expansiveness and hyperbolic homeomorphisms The purpose of this paper is to complete results concerning the class of expansive homeomorphisms having the pseudo orbits tracing property on a compact m... J Ombach - 《Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society》...
摘要: 九月,属于站台与汽笛,属于逐梦与远方.这么多年,终于等到这一天.该以怎样的方式,与过往,道一声再见;向未来,许一份期盼?站在时光的渡口回顾或者展望,你的心中,是不是也如我一样,有浪轻拍海岸,有鸟展翅盘桓?该说点什么呢?心中有万语,欲说却忘言.倒是往事忽忽而来,一时草木如织,远山如黛,又模糊又鲜妍...
Cause for concern: nurses' reports of hospital care in five countries. According to most experts, the U.S. faces a growing shortage of registered nurses, threatening the quality of care hospitals can provide. In the setting of nurse shortages and simultaneous concern about patient safety, nurses...