不包括用户姓名等敏感信息 路透社10月6日消息,丰田汽车周五表示,使用其T-Connect服务的约29.6万条客户信息可能被泄露,包括电子邮件地址和客户号码。T-Connect是丰田的远程车载信息通信服务,车主可通过网络连接车辆。丰田在一份声明中表示,姓名、电话号码或信用卡信息等用户敏感个人信息没有被泄露的可能。
日本丰田汽车(Toyota Motor)上周披露,该公司的承承包商在把部分T-Connect服务程序代码上传至GitHub的公开存储库时,不慎于程序代码中附带了访问密钥,使得第三方得以访问该数据库服务器,造成296,019名车主的资料外泄,但外泄的只有这些车主的电子邮件与独特的T-Connect管理号码,至于姓名、电话或信用卡等资讯都未受...
✅ Ethernet cable doesn't connect to pc:My ethernet cable that is fine and works properly with other laptops will not connect to my pc which I had just bought and restarted. The person I...
Motorola Moto G 5G plus doesn't connect through PC or blutooth to transfer data Hello,I have a Motorola Moto G 5G plus from Oct 2020 and for a couple of weeks didn't charge properly, didn't recognize always the turbo charging, and yesterday it fully dechar...
Download nowHelpSoft PC Cleanerhas been downloaded by0readers this month We couldn’t connect to the update service. We’ll try again later, or you can check now. If it still doesn’t work, make sure you’re connected to theInternet. ...
Hi, I Get the error code: "We couldn't connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled. Error code: 0x204" Problem is my Mac (OS 10.14) can't connect to PC at work
Here are the effective solutions that you can try to apply for the controller to be successfully connected to your PC. Fix #1: Restart the Joy con or Nintendo Switch Pro controller. A basic restart may be required for the Joy con or the Pro controller to communicate properly on your PC....
在运动连接模式下为3个月,在腕表模式下无期限。天梭表全新T-Touch Connect Sport腕表设计精美,男女皆宜,侧重运动和健康功能,必将吸引众多表迷的青睐。新款腕表将于11月15日上市,蓝色、橙色和白色款标价995美元,而黑色和棕色款标价1,075美元。(图/文 腕表之家 许朝阳)
Your phone needs to be plugged into your computer via USB before you can uninstall the driver. Even if your phone doesn't connect, the device should still be visible to the system. Your PC will also need a working Internet connection. ...