(3)OnDownloadBegin事件 Web浏览器开始下载一个文档时被触发,编写其事件处理程序可以指定Web浏览器定位到一个文档后下载该文档前应采取的操作。 语法: property OnDownloadBegin: TNotifyEvent; type TNotifyEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject) of object; (4)OnDownloadComplete事件 导航操作完成、暂停或操作失败时被...
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看到一些邮件客户端的编辑器就是调用了本地网页文件,但是却不弹出对话框 网友回复:TWebBrowser的OnDownloadComplete事件里面执行 (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).parentWindow.execScript('window.onerror=function(){return true}','JavaScript'); 网友回复:谢谢ideation_shang --- 注意: 1、CSS对打印的...
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4、DownloadBegin 当某项下载操作已经开始后激发,刷新也可激发此事件 5、DownloadComplete 当某项下载操作已经完成后激发,刷新也可激发此事件 6、 NavigateComplete2 导航完成后激发,刷新时不激发 NewWindow2 在创建新窗口以前激发 7、OnFullScreen 当FullScreen属性改变时激发。该事件采用VARIENT_BOOL的一个输入参数来...
网友回复:TWebBrowser的OnDownloadComplete事件里面执行 (WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).parentWindow.execScript('window.onerror=function(){return true}','JavaScript'); 网友回复:谢谢ideation_shang --- 注意: 1、CSS对打印的控制: <!--media=print 这个属性可以在打印时有效--> .Noprint{disp...
7// Registration method 8procedureSetBrowserOleClientSite(constSite:IOleClientSite); 9public 10constructorCreate(constHostedBrowser:TWebBrowser); 11destructorDestroy;override; 12propertyHostedBrowser:TWebBrowserreadfHostedBrowser; 13end; Listing 2 This is quite straightforward. We define the new type and l...
7. Run the setup as an administrator Locate the Tor setup file. Right-click and chooseRun as administrator. Follow the instructions on the screen and try to complete the process. Why won’t Tor connect? This is most likely caused by your antivirus, so make sure you check its settings an...
[debug] Downloading _update_spec from https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/_update_spec [youtube] Extracting URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo7rSIC16yY [youtube] qo7rSIC16yY: Downloading webpage [debug] [youtube] Extracted SAPISID cookie ...
That is how to uninstall the AVG Secure Browser on Windows 7, 10, and 11. However, to be sure the app is completely removed, it’s advisable to remove any leftover files. You can do that from the command line by doing the following: ...