Nib Eflite T-28 Trojan 1.2 BnfI have for sale a Nib Eflite T-28 Trojan 1.2 Bnf. This is still in the shipping package. Asking 225.00 shipped in the lower 48 Sign up now to remove ads between posts Dec 05, 2019, 08:56 PM #2 lalojamesliz Registered User Payment sent. Thanks ...
Dynam T-28 Trojan 1270mm, BNF. Includes a Fly Sky receiver. You will need a compatible transmitter and a battery. This plane is like new and has never been flown. It was assembled and then put on display for a while. The pilot figures have come loose and will need to be re-glue...
If it is the strut, did you check the end for burs, that could cause it to get stuck before seating fully? Let me know, I have some Trojan wreckage in my shop "somewhere" I might have a donor firewall complete with steering collar. Ron Jan...
Horizon Hobby/HobbyZone T-28 Trojan S RTF with SAFE !Three Flight Modes From Beginner to Experienced Horizon Hobby has a new T28 in their lineup, and this time it's a micro Trojan with SAFE technology built in, allowing for multiple flight modes from beginner, to intermediate, ...